Thursday, September 8, 2011

The ugly truth!

There are still so many places on our planet that remain unexplored. I'd love to one day peel back the mystery and understand them.
Annie Leibovitz

The ugly truth is that I need to value my work, I need to put a price tag on it, go out there and ask people if they think it's worth that amount of ugly, disgusting, cold...MONEY!
I don't know about you, but i do this because it gives me freedom, pleasure, a different perspective on life, I work when i want to, or just as simple when i can, and I plain love it!
After some of those times that life gives you to measure your courage, I made a wise decision. To let go, let all of my dreams go, give them to the universe and wait-and let me tell you the waiting part has been brutal-but I'm enjoying the ride. I know today nothing works if I don't BELIEVE...

So I worked in my wedding packaging and I'm so damn proud of it,,what do you think???

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